Friday, September 23, 2011


Today is my first Mabon, and the start of my absolute favorite season. Autumn. There's just some peace I've always gotten around this time of year...maybe its the beautiful colors surrounding us or those yummy earthy smells associated with it, but I have always looked forward to fall. I've even decided to get married in November thats how much I love it! I think its appropriate for me to appreciate this particular holiday so much due to its Welsh lore. I've always been very big on my Welsh and Irish background, so it seems pretty fitting that my first two holidays as a pagan (Lammas and Mabon) derive from those two heritages. :) I'm not quite sure what to do for celebrating tonight, or how to do it, but I'm going to do the best I can! Thinking tonight I'll indulge in some of the sweeter nectars in life, get some incense on (can't go wrong with sandalwood!) and take some time to pray, something I've been severely slacking on lately. Luckily its Friday night and the first weekend since the repeal of DADT for the military, so the nightlife is going to be rowdy and enticing....less people I have to deal with here at the barracks! Seeing as how Mabon is the Witch's Thanksgiving, I'd like to take a quick moment to give thanks for the last few months, as I feel like I started anew with this journey, like a part of me was opened and suddenly I became whole. So to begin with, I give thanks for that. For allowing my eyes to be cleared and my heart, body and soul to be opened to this bright and fantasizing new world. I give thatnks for my two wonderful mentors Cathy, who is like a grandmother to me, and my big sister Emma, who started me on my journey. Without you two in my life I would be so terribly lost and I love you more than I could ever form in words. I give thanks for the great frends and family I have, and thanks for the clarity lately to see who those really are and to wean out those who weren't. Truly my life has become much more enriched by surrounding myself with genuine people I care about and who care about me. I give thanks for a career in a time when they are growing few and far between, even if it does challenge my sanity on a regular basis! Finally I give thanks for my loving partner with whom this journey is starting to take an interesting twist. Scott has never been a religious or spiritual kind of guy, but after seeing me on my journey he has started asking some questions (something we didn't before incorporate into our relationship) and we have started to grow even closer together. The Goddess has big plans with me and this guy, seeing as how he is constantly a figure in my life, and I'm starting to think maybe this is the direction she's going for. Guess we shall see! I hope each and every one has a great time tonight, whether they be solo like me or in the company of a circle. Happy Mabon and blessings be!


  1. Happy Mabon. Sounds like you're going to have a great night! Our little family is just planning a nice dinner and maybe a small offering afterwards.

  2. ::dabs eyes::

    My little sister is all growed up.. *sniff*

    Getting ready to do a ritual with circle tonight, and will have our family feast tomorrow, followed by another ritual on Sunday. It's going to be a fun and busy weekend, but what better way to celebrate than by always giving thanks and taking the time to celebrate what has always been?
